Monday, February 2, 2009

Making Lists

One of my favorite things to do is to make lists of Goals. Its the most magical way to get things accomplished and feel good about them. Just write down exactly what you want in your life/all things you want to accomplish. It immediately sets the wheels of the universe in motion to bring those things to you. Here are a few of mine currently.

1. Make 100,000 Dollars this Year.
2. Volunteer for the Human Rights Campaign.
3. Pay off my truck.
4. Be Grateful everyday.
5. Meet Tegan Quin
6. See the good in everyone I meet.
7. Donate to a charity often.
8. Start a business.
9. Be positive
10. Feel love in every area of my life.

I will accomplish these things. That's the trick. You have to know inside yourself that you WILL do all these things. Because you can, and you will. You can do ANYTHING! Lets hop to it! Also this website : is amazing! you can make lists of your goals, talk to others with the same goals and figure out different ways of approaching the task. Very Magical, check it out.