Saturday, January 17, 2009

My Story

I've always been a very ambitions person. Ever since I can remember, when ever I get an Idea I act upon it right away. There was never any planning or organization that went along with any of these ideas. As a result most of these "ideas" were short lived and faded away after time. I was always changing what I wanted to do or what I wanted to be. I could never make up my mind. I never could put a label on deciding what I wanted to be for the rest of my life. I couldn't see myself getting experience in any one career. The same goes for my personal life. It seemed like all the individuals in it where constantly going in and out of my life. My friends and relationships were always changing. Not only that, but I could never understand why my relationships failed, time after time. I was never happy, I couldn't make anything out my future because I was unhappy with my present. I knew I didn't want the life I had, but I also was unaware of how to change it. 

 One day a very special person to me gave me a copy of the Secret on dvd. I tossed it aside, secretly making fun of it in my head. I didn't want to waste an hour of my life to watch some self help movie. I let it sit on the floor in my bedroom for about 6 months, unaware of the power of one little movie. One night I was very bored and I put it on, just for fun. Within 3 minutes of pushing play I hypnotized. I couldn't turn it off, sucked it instantly. From that day forward my life as changed.

 I cannot even connect or remember the person I used to be. I now know so much useful information. Just watching this one movie, set up so many events that would bring me to where I am today. I became obsessed with this information. I began researching the law of attraction any way I could. It's such an amazing philosophy to live by. You may think its complete junk, and not believe it can really change you. But what do you have to loose? Its only about bringing good things into your life, and the only thing you are changing about yourself is the way you are programmed to think. If you cant understand the law, do yourself a favor and get to know you. Before this information was presented to me, I didn't even know who I was. I know now that I couldn't be successful in any area of my life, because I didn't love myself. That’s where it all begins.

 I could go on and on, about the miracles that have happened in my life since then, but I'm more interested in helping others make miracles happen. I love to help people and I love to answer questions. Even if your skeptical, I'm ok with helping and  explaining everything to you! This blog is to showcase all the amazing material out there, that can start changing your life today. Please feel free to contact me at anytime at

 Also, I highly recommend watching The Secret @ Its only $5 to watch it once. Or buy the DVD, you will want to watch it over and over, That’s a promise.

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